What is the best hand care cream for CrossFit? Why RIPT of course...Part 2 Post-Rip Repair
Posted by: Devin Glage
So you just ripped the shit out of your hands doing a million (that's right, a million) toes-to-bar and you would rather be poked in the eye with a red-hot iron rod than wash your hair. What do you do now? Not to worry, RIPT has you covered...literally. POST-RIP REPAIR Protect open hand rips from the elements. Fresh rips burn mostly because of the oxygen exposure to deeper layers of your skin. After washing with soap (which can suck) dry the open wound and apply our QUICK FIX balm directly to the tear. QUICK FIX has a beeswax and coconut oil base, two ingredients known for their anti-bacterial/anti-viral qualities, as well as providing a thick layer of protection from the...
Why is RIPT the best hand care cream for CrossFit? Part 1 - Pre-Rip
Posted by: Devin Glage
Why is RIPT Skin Systems' 3 phase hand care kit the best cream/hand balm on the market for CrossFit hand problems? Because there are 3 stages in which every CrossFitters hands exist at any given moment. 1)Pre-rip maintenance2) Post-rip repair3) Post-rip recovery You trim your nails and cut your hair don't you... Why aren't you taking care of your calluses? PRE-RIP Hand calluses are free gloves from nature. If you take just a little time out of your day to properly take care of them, they will protect you from rips, rather than be the cause of them. Shape and contour calluses to prevent rips. The number 1 biggest hand care mistake that newbs to CrossFit make is shaving, grinding,...
Donny Shankle on Hand Care for Weightlifters
Posted by: Devin Glage
Donny Shankle is bigger than you, stronger than you, and knows more about hand care for weightlifters than you. When your profession is lifting heavy objects over your head, taking care of your money makers is a must. If you can't hold the bar anymore, your training suffers. In the following video, Shankle will walk you through how to properly take care of weightlifting hands, and which products he uses (can someone please get this man a RIPT kit?). Specifically a waxy hand balm (a la Quick Fix) rather than a hand cream, and a pumice stone to smooth down dead and dry calluses. While Donny nails hand care on the head, the only point we would add is that...
RIPT: Hand-in-Hand with Sport - Gymnastics
Posted by: Devin Glage
Meet Kate Richardson:
Kate learned about hand rips at a young age. The two-time Canadian Olympic gymnast was already going through multiple rolls of athletic tape per week at the age of eight.
Although gymnasts wear grips when they perform on the bars, rips sometimes still happen, making bar routines painful, not to mention psychologically daunting....
RIPT: Hand-in-Hand with Sport - Rowing
Posted by: Devin Glage
That moment when you’re hanging onto a bar, oar, barbell, kettlebell, and you can feel the skin on your hands start to shift…
Although your shifting skin provides little physical evidence of any kind of blemish yet, you know you’re about to get a blister. And a rip.
Gymnasts, CrossFit athletes, rowers, rock climbers, among other “hand sport” athletes are all too familiar with this feeling. It’s not the end of the world if the following day is your planned rest day, but if you’re in the middle of the Regional CrossFit competition, or sprint repeats in preparation for the Olympics, curse words start forming in your head, sometimes even bubbling out your mouth.
You need your hands to perform.
In the upcoming series of posts, we will explore the hand care needs of various elite level athletes in different sports, and demonstrate how RIPT Skin Systems' 3 Phase Reinforcement kit can help you keep your skin in the game...