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Don’t be that Coach

Posted by: Emily Beers

A while ago, I wrote “Don’t be that Guy,” and “Don’t be that Girl” from a coach’s perspective. I know, however, that there are very annoying, counterproductive things, that coaches do, as well. Nobody is getting off the hook here!

I surveyed my own clients to find out what they feel are the coaching Faux Pas – the things that annoy them most.

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Don’t be that Coach

Posted by: Emily Beers

A while ago, I wrote “Don’t be that Guy,” and “Don’t be that Girl” from a coach’s perspective. I know, however, that there are very annoying, counterproductive things, that coaches do, as well. Nobody is getting off the hook here!

Without further ado, Introducing the 7 Deadly Coaching Sins...

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Don’t be that Girl – Follow-up from Don’t be that Guy

Posted by: Emily Beers

Like any other society, small community, tribe, secret society, or cult, being a member of a CrossFit box involves learning the CrossFit language and understanding the social norms of your environment.

It takes time, of course, but the sooner you learn, the easier it will be to avoid being “That Guy,” or in this case “That Girl.”

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The Great Nutrition Schism

Posted by: Emily Beers

I have a handful of intelligent, educated friends. People who believe in their nutritional theories. Wholeheartedly.

I have a friend who is a Registered Dietician and promotes Canada’s Food Guide, which tells us sandwiches and pasta are great energy sources. I have a friend who drinks only rainwater, and a friend who owns a raw food restaurant. I have a vegan friend who believes a whey-gluten-corn dog is “a great protein blast.” And Lucas Parker sits around pounding quarter pounders from McDonald’s.

The vegan swears it’s the healthiest way to eat, and he has science to prove it. The vegetarian and the carnivore point to contrasting scientific evidence. And I even have a friend who showed me the science that shows that eating just one meal a day is the optimal way to live. He has lost a lot of weight eating this way in the last year, and he says his energy levels have skyrocketed.

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