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The Simplicity of Courage

Posted by: Emily Beers

I’m proud beyond belief to be able to call myself a CrossFit Games athlete, and more motivated than ever to continue to improve.

But I’m not a courageous athlete.

It’s not that I didn’t have to overcome my fears, but the truth is competing is second nature to me. It would actually be more difficult for me to stop competing than it is to continue doing something I’ve done my entire life.

It would take far more courage for me to stand up and sing and dance in front of a crowd, which—trust me—nobody wants to see, than it was to qualify to the CrossFit Games. And the chances of me singing, even happy birthday, as a solo are less than tiny.

That being said, I did witness courage this summer. In a big way. In two of my longest standing clients: Jennine Stockall and Mike Fransblow.

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