I’m naturally a sloppy-ish person.
One of my best friends once told me I had generally sloppiness to everything I do. While I got defensive it struck a chord because it’s true.
While toilets are an exception—they must always be sparkly clean—when it comes to things like washing dishes, my car, and taking care of what I consider little details like mobility and my ripped hands, if it’s not made simple for me I often neglect them.
One week away from competing at the CrossFit Games, hand care couldn’t be more important. If they make me swim and then hit a pull-up bar with soggy hands on Wednesday morning, if my rips aren’t healed and my callouses aren’t thinned, it could very well be a long, painful hand week for my hands.
I’ve been doing a ton of bar work lately, trying to build the volume so 100 chest to bar pull-ups don’t destroy my arms for three days. Because of this, my hands have needed extra care. If I had to carry Polysporin in my purse, I simply wouldn’t do it as the inevitable would occur: I can just picture to Polysporin explosion in my purse.
But RIPT has made my life easy. The past few weeks, I haven’t left the house without Quick Fix and Daily Dose. I usually keep one in my purse and one in my bra, so I can whip it out right after a workout or while I’m coaching if I’m feeling dryness coming on.
My hands are ready, and RIPT will be with me in my carry-on. I just wish I felt ready for 300 double unders and a 3-mile run.
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