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When a Good Upbringing Backfires

Posted by: Emily Beers

While I’m certainly thankful for, and wouldn’t trade my upbringing for anything, I can’t help but wonder: Had my parents been shitty parents, my mindset today might be: “I’m ready to be a mom. How hard can it be? Just try not to mess my kids up too badly.”

But instead, I’m hesitant. Hesitant to believe I’m willing—or even capable—of doing what my parents did for me and my sister.

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For the Sake of Others

Posted by: Emily Beers

Volunteering isn’t as altruistic as it seems. 

Some people volunteer just to beef up their med school application. Others enlist because a friend guilt trip’s them into it. And other times, like during the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, volunteers flocked because of the promise of free Olympic clothing.

The odd person, though, volunteers just to be a good, helpful person. Alex Alami is one of them.

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Take the Time to Appreciate Progress

Posted by: Emily Beers

We were naked.

Doing thrusters and pull-ups.

On the beach.

Suddenly, she looked embarrassed. Not because she was naked. The nudity, she seemed cool with. She was embarrassed because she needed to scale the weight and do assisted pull-ups.

I’m talking about Rachel Forbes of CrossFit 604, an athlete who has beco

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When you love trees a lot, you’re allowed to harass people at work!

Posted by: Emily Beers

Are you allowed to be opposed to a pipeline? Of course. Is it your right to protest? I guess so, although I question the lifestyle of a person who is just sitting around mid-day, mid-week, waiting for an opportunity to shit disturb. But since when is it ok to show up while someone is doing his legitimate job and kick, scream, accuse, and immaturely throw yourself under his van?

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Defying the Odds Part 2: Mandy Gill

Posted by: Emily Beers

Gill admits that her life today is much different than she ever would have guessed it would have been five years ago. Five years ago she was hell bent on holding a traditional media job—a full-time position with a TV or radio station. But today, she wouldn’t trade her life for the world.

Between her CTV appearances, her gigs with companies like Reebok and Can Fit Pro, her writing endeavours, her personal training expertise, and the launching of her new company, Gill has managed to think outside the box and piece together her perfect lifestyle.

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Who says our generation is doomed?

Posted by: Emily Beers

Even though the job market is changing and it seems to be harder to land an allegedly stable 9 to 5 career job right out of university, there are so many new opportunities arising to replace the more traditional job. For example, although newspapers might be dead and the supply of teachers way out paces the demand, there are tons of new ways to earn a living that didn’t used to exist. 

For one, think about how many different kinds of consultants exist these days. People—and businesses—hire consultants in every field imaginable: from health and wellness experts to interior landscaping specialists to social media marketing consultants. I mean, we live in a world where you can make a living as a Closet Organizer! Fifty years ago, nobody even knew the needed someone in their closet, and today they’re spending big bucks paying someone to shuffle their shoes to a lower shelf.

Although different, I think my generation needs to start viewing our time as a time of possibility in the job market. And from our end, my generation needs to stop complaining and accept responsibility for our current failings.

I know way too many people in their twenties who are living an entitled existence, bitterly pouring vodka sodas five nights a week, angry that their degree didn't come with an automatic job offer. Since when did a degree earn you anything more than a handshake that says, “Congratulations, you managed to hunker down for a few hers and stay sober enough to pass your exams?”

It’s time we start thinking outside the box, thinking beyond the traditional 9 to 5 government job, to create our own opportunities.

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Be More Like Emily Abbott

Posted by: Emily Beers

“Be more like Emily Abbott.” 

My boyfriend said that line to me more than once over the course of the week in Carson. At the time, I wanted to swat him across the face (I may have once) because I felt so insecure that week as it was; I didn’t need him telling me to be more like someone else. 

But at the same time, I knew his words were meant to help me. And I couldn’t have agreed with him more. 

I wanted to be more like Emily Abbott that week—not because she won an event at the Games, but because of how she won it: Fearlessly.

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Trying my hand at a public policy: Education Part 1 - A Case for Independent, Self-Directed Studies Curriculum in our Public Schools

Posted by: Emily Beers

Part 1 explains how introducing the option for independent, self-directed learning in all public High Schools would help many teens learn more effectively, all the while would contribute to the class size and composition problem, as well as free up money to be used where it is needed.



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CrossFit clients far and wide. Listen up:

Posted by: Emily Beers

CrossFit clients far and wide. Listen up:

“We love you. But sometimes, you’re impossible to please.”

Well, what I really mean is: Pleasing everyone is impossible.

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Get your clients on the Mighty Omega Fish Oil, Bitches!

Posted by: Emily Beers

The Friday of the Games, I could definitely feel my quads more than I would have liked - after the gnarly KB thrusters on loose sand on the beach - but Saturday felt more fresh than Friday, and Sunday I felt even more recovered than the day before. I truly felt like I actually could have done another 5 workouts - not that I wanted to!

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