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That moment your alarm goes off and you have to choose sleep or gym...

Posted by: Emily Beers

Do you dream? Dream about being a morning workout person?  Of a life where your day begins at 5:30 a.m., and by the time you’re at work at 8 a.m., you’ve already had a workout and are feeling that endorphin high all morning? A life, where after work you’re able to pursue other interests because you're not devoting your evening to the gym? I’m a morning coach, and have been for six years. Over the course of those years, many many people have attempted to convert to morning training sessions. For some, it's never too early to deadlift... Each January especially, a new influx of aspiring converts trickle into my 6 a.m. class. But by February, only one or two manage to...

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Reason to Hire a Personal Coach

Posted by: Emily Beers

While it might work for some people—possibly the more naturally technical folks out there—for many, nothing can replace a real life coach.

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When you love trees a lot, you’re allowed to harass people at work!

Posted by: Emily Beers

Are you allowed to be opposed to a pipeline? Of course. Is it your right to protest? I guess so, although I question the lifestyle of a person who is just sitting around mid-day, mid-week, waiting for an opportunity to shit disturb. But since when is it ok to show up while someone is doing his legitimate job and kick, scream, accuse, and immaturely throw yourself under his van?

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Defying the Odds Part 2: Mandy Gill

Posted by: Emily Beers

Gill admits that her life today is much different than she ever would have guessed it would have been five years ago. Five years ago she was hell bent on holding a traditional media job—a full-time position with a TV or radio station. But today, she wouldn’t trade her life for the world.

Between her CTV appearances, her gigs with companies like Reebok and Can Fit Pro, her writing endeavours, her personal training expertise, and the launching of her new company, Gill has managed to think outside the box and piece together her perfect lifestyle.

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A Different Kind of Sales

Posted by: Emily Beers

Asking for money is never a ton of fun, and getting clients to sign contracts isn’t the most satisfying part of my job, but it’s sure a lot easier to ask a client for money who I had drinks with the night before than to showing up unexpected when he’s under local anesthetic to shamelessly grab a signature just to make my monthly number.

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