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strong women

Please, Don’t Ask Permission to Kiss Me

Posted by: Emily Beers

He has an old-fashioned way about him—an old soul—and he wasn’t sure how to approach things. He wanted to “man up” and be bold in his pursuit, but society had taught him to be almost meek in his approach to dating so girls would know he’s a respectful guy, as opposed to the apparent alternative: An asshole. 

Other men, who could see he was struggling and trying too hard to be nice, started offering advice:

“Tommy, you just gotta piss on her. She’ll love it.” And, “Just go up to her, grab her, and take her home.”

While I certainly do not wish to be peed on, I wasn’t offended because I believed these men were onto something. These men knew that traditional women still exist—women who appreciate being hunted, and caught, aggressively.

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