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Gymnastics advice of the day: Walk before you run, and hire a coach to teach you properly!

Posted by: Bastiaan Roozendaal

Time and time again, athletes approach and ask me to teach them a skill—be it a pull-up, a muscle-up, a handstand push-up or a pistol. Here’s how the conversation often goes: Client: “I really want to get a muscle-up. Can you teach me after class?” Me: “How many chest-to-bar pull-ups can you do?” Client: “Maybe one on a good day.” Me: “What about ring dips?” Client: “One. In a band.” Me: “Johnny, you're not ready to work on muscle-ups. Once you can do 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups and 10 ring dips, then we can start looking at the muscle-up.” Client: "So you don't think I will be able to learn one today? Me: small chuckle. Client: Sadness overtakes his/her face.   ******...

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