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Four Products to Sell at your Gym that Won’t Have you Looking like a Snake Oil Salesman

Posted by: Emily Beers

  Most gym owners are cautious about what products they endorse, and what to sell to their members. We’re in the business of helping clients through health and fitness; we’re not in the snake oil business trying to sell products that don’t work just so we can make a buck. So when it comes to deciding if and what you should sell at your gym, I believe the questions you should ask yourself are these: 1. Will it help the client? 2. Will it help the coach? 3. Will it help the business owner? If the answer is yes to all three of the above, there’s a good chance it’s something you should consider stocking. Here are our top 4:...

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Giving your clients what they want isn't always the best approach

Posted by: Emily Beers

I used to believe that as a coach I should give clients exactly what they want. But now I realize that giving them exactly what they want might mean letting them do their 7-minute ab routine after class—a routine their body has completely adapted to and is no longer improving from. Giving them exactly what they want might mean programming a 45-minute Grinder 6 days a week. Although they might be happy in the moment, neither the latter or the former is actually helping them.

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Don't Be That Guy

Posted by: Emily Beers

Like any other society, small community, tribe, secret society, or cult, being a member of a CrossFit box involves learning the CrossFit language and understanding the social norms of your environment.

It takes time, of course, but the sooner you learn, the easier it will be to avoid being “That Guy” (“That Guy” is the guy coaches talk about after a personal training session or a group class. FYI - He’s the guy you don’t want to be).

Introducing the Magnificent Seven "Don't be That Guys"

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