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How long will my GRINDSTONE last?

Posted by: Devin Glage

We often hear from customers that their stone flakes, and leaves a black dust on their hand. This is true! And a very important feature of the GRINDSTONE. We chose the material for the stone specifically because it wears a little, and this is so that you don't make the mistake of taking off too much skin at once (the stone wears slightly and makes it more forgiving).

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How to take care of your gnarly, callused CrossFit and rock climbing hands

Posted by: Devin Glage

First some personal history. I have been a casual rock climber for a number of years. Being a self proclaimed student in the art of mastery, I know full well that dabbling in any sport is no way to progress. It was with pure serendipity that a number of events happened to allow me to not only put some old fashioned effort into training, but also gather some wisdom about taking care of your tools that I would like to share. As fate would have it, I had recently opened a CrossFit affiliate in a huge 5000sqft facility with 18ft ceilings (in 2009 when I opened, my gym would have been one of the largest in Canada). A few months...

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Prep Your Hands for the Open!

Posted by: Emily Beers

With the Open one week away, people everywhere are making predictions. Will this be the year of the bar muscle-up? The handstand push-up? The pistol? Will it be heavier than normal? The amount of time we waste thinking about it is actually insane because the truth is nobody knows exactly what Dave Castro will throw our way.  But despite the unknown surprises that are sure to come, there are a couple things I’d put money on: 1. Chest-to-bar pull-ups in high dosage 2. Considering how competitive this year will be with only 20 regionals berths on the line, repeating workouts will be more likely than ever this year Combine both of these theories, and this means hands must be ready...

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